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  • Writer's pictureChuck Moss

National Odometer Day

I had no idea that National Odometer Day was a thing, but it is and it’s celebrated on May 12 this year.

That got me to thinking about how many miles I wasn’t putting on my car that I usually do. We stay home. We order delivery. We shop online. Other than the grocery store, checking on family, and the once or twice a week trip to the office, we just don’t go anywhere.

Sometimes, the miles on your odometer reflect how much time you spend away from home. Whether it’s for work or for fun or for shopping, the miles add up. The trips out add up. Now, I could measure time spent in front of my computer or TV.

One of my favorite places to be is on the couch in the living room with my wife. It’s always been one of my favorite places to be, and now I find myself there more and more. I thought that, maybe, I’d get antsy about sitting there, that it would get boring. I learned otherwise.

What staying home has done for me is remind me that spending time with my wife, my best friend, is something I want to do, that I need to do. It’s reminded me that human connections are the cornerstone of every good thing every built.

Let‘s celebrate National Odometer Day not by measuring the miles traveled, but by connecting with those closest to us.

Follow Chuck at @dcpsmoss on Twitter!

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